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Levels of Giving and Recognition

As a lasting "Thank You" for your generosity, contributions over $100 will be added to our Shoes to Fill Commemorative Ballet Slipper, with sizing based on your level of giving.

All donors will receive recognition on our website and in our annual report.

Director's Circle Level: $10,000+

Prima Ballerina Level: $5000-$9999

Principle Dancer Level: $4999-$1000

Pear Tree VIP - gifts up to $999

The arts are an integral part of a child's life and the lessons learned through quality arts education are vast and varied: leadership, confidence, cultural competency, compassion, determination, perseverance, teamwork, creative expression, community pride.....the list goes on and on.


Pear Tree Performing Arts is a leader in providing access to affordable and quality dance and dramatic arts experiences to youth in our community.


Through traditional classes, workshops, mentoring, community partnerships, and outreach in OPS and after-school programs, we reach hundreds of youth annually.



Will you help us?

Donate securely with a credit card or PayPal account.


Download the Pledge form and mail a check or money order to:

Pear Tree Performing Arts

4801 NW Radial Highway

Omaha, NE 68104

Corporate giving, name recognition, and gift-matching inquiries? Contact Lawrence at (402) 960-8557 or

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